Page 10: Mar/22/2014

How do I write this?

Today was relatively, sort of alright. Nothing too terrible happened, I mean. Something almost nice alright happened today.

It was one of those "I'll throw my hair in a bun and not give a fuck about my makeup past the obligatory mascara" days.

Like a "how could my life get any less repetitive if I didn't do the same thing every single day of my life and skip all these steps" day.

Like a "Jesus, this shit is depressing" day.


I got hit on. Which is nice.

A man came in. He brought a few books up. Obligatory back and forth. Type in register. Asked me if I was single and if I wanted to go out sometime.

 Which any normal girl would have been like: "Like, Oh My God! Of course!~ Totally! As if! Facebook, Pintrest, Twitter. Hashtag: This is Great. Hashtag: Happens all the time"

And to which I replied with: "What?" 

And he replied with: "I was just checking to see if you were paying attention."
And~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A woman came up and took his arm and asked if he was all done here.

I really 

Just fuck,

-Yvonne "Fuck. " Schmitt